Equity Fund


GIMG’s Equity Fund is, along with the Fixed Income Fund, one of the two main pillars of our organization. We perform fundamental analysis on publicly traded companies and execute market research that is used to generate investment ideas.

Analysis is completed through our four divisions: Idea Generation, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis, and Education. These groups, each led by a designated VP, work in unison to develop a portfolio benchmarked to the S&P 500.

Our active fund structure consists of one CIO, four VPs, and 14 analysts as of date.


2022-2023 Outlook

Letter from our CIO



To our members, stakeholders, and the greater Goizueta community,

This past year I have been fortunate enough to have been under the leadership of the most passionate, brilliant, and tenacious individuals I know. To say the least, I am honored to be following in Emily Shaener’s footsteps to serve as CIO for the 2022-2023 year. 

GIMG has been one of my most imperative experiences at Emory University, but I won’t lie, it was daunting to join the organization in my first semester. I doubted my ability to succeed under the financial industry’s steep learning curve, but with the support of the GIMG community, I thrived. In this past year, our Sunday meetings stood as the pinnacle of each of my weeks as the uninterrupted hour spent discussing, debating, and bantering with my peers facilitated an unmatched learning environment. Alongside Dylan Sun, Zach Pearlstone, Celia Zhou, Rabia Kang, and Harrison Coorey I am excited to foster what makes GIMG so special this upcoming year - the community. 

I hope to continue my predecessor's momentum of continuously improving the organization. My two main goals this year are to further emphasize the core fundamentals of the financial industry in the Fund’s weekly activities and to continue to enhance our mentorship opportunities. I believe each of these initiatives will help support members' future careers in the financial industry. 

I am excited to lead the Equity Fund this upcoming year. It is my desire to support each of our current and new members in their endeavors. 


Elle Haushalter


Vice Presidents & Analysts

  • Brooke Liu

    Vice President

    Brooke joined GIMG in Fall 2023 as an Equity Fund Analyst and is majoring in Finance and Music. Outside of GIMG, she is also a flutist in the Emory University Symphony Orchestra. Brooke is from Dallas, Texas and enjoys spending her free time playing with her cats, playing the ukulele, and weightlifting.

  • Viola Holmes

    Vice President

    Viola is a sophomore from Houston, TX, majoring in Finance and QSS. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and golf.

  • Ben Wells

    Vice President

    Ben is a sophmore from New Zealand, studying finance and philosophy. In his spare time he does half iron mans, hikes, and reads.

  • Samuel Anderson


    Samuel is a sophomore from Saint Paul, Minnesota, studying Finance and Religion. In his free time, he enjoys soccer, giving haircuts, and spending time with his brothers.

  • Shirley Bai


    Shirley Bai is a sophomore from Chicago, IL, looking to study Finance and OAM. She is also on Emory’s Track and Field team.

  • Mason Ferguson


    Mason is a sophomore from Stanwood, WA, majoring in Accounting and Strategy & Management Consulting. In his free time, he enjoys lifting, watching football, and playing Spikeball with friends

  • Alexa Ramos


    Alexa Ramos is a sophomore from Mexico and is double majoring in Business Administration and Philosophy, Politics, and Law (PPL). In her free time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, and watching romcom movies.

  • Carolina Viniegra


    Carolina is a sophomore from Duluth, GA, majoring in Finance and Marketing. In her free time, she enjoys baking and cooking, traveling, and getting involved in Atlanta.

  • Ria Panneer


    Ria is a sophomore from Duluth, GA, studying Finance and Economics. Ria enjoys reading, writing, and hiking in Georgia.

  • Akhil Arularasu


    Akhil is a Junior from Bridgewater, NJ majoring in Computer Science with an AI Concentration and minoring in Business at Goizueta. In his free time, he enjoys distance running, nature travel (favorite National Park Grand Tetons, WY), lifting, and watching football.