Fixed Income Fund
GIMG’s Fixed Income Fund is, along with the Equity Fund, one of the two main pillars of our organization. We analyze corporate credit and monitor global macroeconomic trends to generate investment ideas for a portfolio benchmarked against the AGG.
Through pitch teams led by our indivdual VPs, analysts perform a complete analysis of the bond and pitch it to the rest of the fund. In the past, we have featured investment-grade, macroeconomic trends, and high-yield bonds desks.
Our active fund structure consists of one CIO, four VPs, 14 analysts as of date.
2023-2024 Outlook
Letter from our CIO
To our esteemed stakeholders, members, alums, and the Emory community at large,
Back in the day when I was a wee-little freshman, I barely knew what a stock was and I knew even less of what a bond was. Yet somehow, in the Fall of 2021, I found myself applying to join GIMG’s Fixed Income Fund all based on a whim of wanting to push myself to grow and learn about a space I had never really heard of before. Needless to say, applying to and joining GIMG was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
Looking back on these past few years, what’s amazing about GIMG is its community and camaraderie. Full of ambitious, hilarious, and kind people, GIMG has been a 2nd home to me with peers who all look out for each other and are always more than ready to offer the utmost support to see you succeed. Of course, I won’t deny that GIMG asks a lot of its members in terms of hard work, but it really is a place where if you give it your 100%, GIMG will return more than 100% back as well.
This year, I’m honored to take Celia Zhou’s mantle to serve as CIO for GIMG’s Fixed Income Fund. I’m extremely excited for the future of the fund and for the new analysts that’ll join us. I’m thankful to have found some of my closest friends and mentors through this organization, so it’s my commitment to give back to the GIMG community and continue further strengthening the culture of mentorship within the club and developing the same excitement about finance and investing my mentors had passed down to me.
I am so excited to lead the Fixed Income Fund this year, and I’m eager to support all of our current and new members in achieving their goals and growing into confident, intelligent people of GIMG.
Rishav Kumar
Vice Presidents & Analysts
Rishi Patel
Vice President
Rishi is a sophomore from Ormond Beach, FL studying Finance, Real Estate and QSS. In his free time he likes to play pickleball, golf, and travel.
Roy Xu
Vice President
Roy is a sophomore from Jericho, NY, majoring in Finance and minoring in art history.
Sam Soukas
Vice President
Sam is a sophomore from Boston, MA, majoring in Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance, and minoring in History. In his free time, he supports the Bruins, plays the drums, rafts, rock climbs, and is trying to learn golf.
Anish Nayak
Vice President
Anish is a sophomore from Alpharetta, GA, majoring in Finance and Statistics. In his free time, he enjoys playing poker, pool, and ping pong.
Ava Yu
Ava is a sophomore from Saratoga, CA, majoring in Finance. In her free time she enjoys going to concerts and watching reality TV shows.
Joanne Chan
Joanne is a sophomore studying economics and psychology. Joanne is from Los Angeles and enjoys traveling and exploring diverse food scenes.
Josh Sacks
Josh is a sophomore from Summit, NJ, majoring in Finance. In his free time, Josh enjoys weightlifting, playing poker, and playing the guitar.
Sam Grinberg
Sam is a sophomore studying Finance and Philosophy. Sam is from New Jersey and enjoys skiing, running, and playing volleyball in his free time.
Charles Millot
Charles is a sophomore from St. Barts, French West Indies, majoring in finance and quantitative sciences. In his free time, he enjoys surfing, going to the gym, and playing backgammon.
Cambre Brewster
Cambre is a sophomore from Charlotte, NC, majoring in Finance and Economics. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, watching movies, and working out.
Shaan Jani
Shaan is a sophomore majoring in Finance and Human Health. In his free time he enjoys playing fantasy football, golf, and tennis.
Carol Wininger
Carol is a sophomore from San Jose, CA, majoring in Economics and Computer Science and minoring in Chinese studies. In her free time, she enjoys collecting vinyls and riding with Emory Club Equestrian.
Mathieu Rihet
Mathieu is a sophomore from Paris, France, majoring in Applied Mathematics. In his free time, he enjoys skiing, playing poker, and traveling
Donny Park
Donny is a sophomore from Seoul, South Korea, majoring in Finance and Economics. In his free time, he enjoys playing catch, watching MLB, and cooking.